SOLIDARBOX // Gammarotta / Marczewska / Menet



The aim of the project is to enhance the development of the harbour and his technologic evolution through simple acts of participation, starting from giving value to the history of the place.

In the Heat Plant is located “the heart” of the Harbour: the FIRST BOX, placed in the middle of a

big open space.

Around the “heart” are located different co-working areas (in the corners), an exposition area (in

the middle), a restaurant (linked whit the space outside), a technical room and an heat storage

system (in the groundfloor) and a research center (in the second floor),

The co-working areas, located also in the new buildings, will rapresent a kind of “miniature” of

all would be possible to create through the solidarbox process.

 Clotilde Menet l Ewa Marczewska l Mattia Gammarota
Clotilde Menet l Ewa Marczewska l Mattia Gammarota